Africa Educational Trust - South Sudan

The Africa Educational Trust is a British organisation working in South Sudan.

Its School Mothers project aims to increase the number of girls entering and staying in school. With 94 of them supported by the Kavli Trust, School Mothers pursue hygiene training in 100 schools and reach 9 000 girls despite the turmoil in the central African country. These women provide important role models which meet basic requirements of the girls during their time in school.

More about this project

  • Female role models help girls go to school

    March 18, 2015

    The British organisation Africa Educational Trust (AET) has learned that female role models in South Sudan, “School Mothers”, make everybody listen: The officials from the Ministry of Education, the Parent Teacher Organisations and the local authorities. But most importantly: The girls go to school.

  • Supports Girls Education in South Sudan

    January 22, 2014

    In South Sudan a girl is three times more likely to die in pregnancy or childbirth than to reach grade 8 of primary school. Kavli Trust addresses this by partnering with Africa Educational Trust on their School Mothers project. The project will support girls to enroll and continue education in their local primary school.