The Victory Programme, starting in the autumn, provides the opportunity to share and learn new skills in how to grow their own vegetables, make cost-effective nutritious meals and make every penny count on a tight budget.
Project manager Graham Wharton said: “We’re really excited to be launching the Victory Programme in Southwick and already have a number of families preparing to step back into the 1940s to learn how their parents and grandparents got by on wartime rations.
The Kavli Trust visited the Victory Programme in Blaydon in March 2018. The Salvation Army’s Trust Fundraising Manager, John Middleton and coordinator Allison welcomed general manager Inger Elise Iversen who also learned about the course by taking part in a class. Photo: Hanne Eide Andersen/The Kavli Trust
The wartime-themed Victory Programme has already proved a hit and been well supported by The Kavli Trust in Blaydon, following the successful pilot of the programme earlier in Crook, Co Durham.
Delicious and healthy courses in the making! Photo: Hanne Eide Andersen/The Kavli Trust
Participant Kristy receives her certificate from coordinator Allison and Inger Elise. Photo: Hanne Eide Andersen/The Kavli Trust
‘Anna’, who participated in Blaydon’s Victory Programme, said: “This programme helped with my confidence and relationships, meeting new people and having a social life. I think this programme is great and I’ve met some lovely people.”
As well as preparing family meals together, other fun activities include taste-tests of branded and unbranded food items and watching old newsreels as a means of drawing inspiration from the resilience of previous generations.
‘Liz’ found the programme particularly helpful for learning how to budget well. She said: “I learnt cheap items are sometimes better”.
Graham said: “Through the Victory Programme, we’re hoping to remind people how valuable they are and to help them take some much-needed ‘me time’ to meet new people, share in new skills and practical support.
“It can be as simple as a new friend providing a listening ear as they cook and talk about life or learning with others a practical skill that could make their day a little easier.”
The gift provided by The Kavli Trust will fund a dedicated Victory Programme co-ordinator as well as purchasing essential resources for the programme.
Graham concludes: “Ultimately, the funding provided by Kavli will enable us to keep reaching out to people, building new relationships and a stronger community.”