For the second time, the Kavli Trust announced NOK 25 million to research that addresses selected research gaps regarding children and adolescents mental health, in January 2018. The result of the 2017 Call can be found here.
First, the Kavli Trust Strategic Scientific Committee identified research gaps within this field of research, before the Kavli Trust User Panel ranked these identified research gaps in order of priority.
The eleven highest ranked research gaps were then formulated as research questions, and were included in the 2018 Call for proposals. The aim of this process is to reduce the amount of avoidable waste within health research, and the Kavli Trust has gained recognition for addressing this issue in its program for health research.
34 pre-proposals were submitted before the deadline at February 28th. Of these, two were from Finland, seven from Sweden, nine from the UK and 16 from Norway. On average, they apply for NOK 8.3 million in project funding.
The pre-proposals have been reviewed by the Kavli Trust Scientific Review Committee. Based on their assessment of quality and relevance, 12 applicants have now been invited to submit a more comprehensive project application. Of these, four are from Sweden, two from the UK and six from Norway. They apply for NOK 10.4 million on average.
The 12 invited applicants aim at providing new knowledge about the effect of…
1. … digital health interventions for children and adolescents with mental health problems.
2. … feedback-informed measures on treatment effectiveness in children and adolescents.
3. … interventions for improving mental health in refugee and asylum seeking children.
4. … parenting programme interventions targeting mental health in adolescents in diverse ethnocultural communities.
5. … school-based, resilience-focused interventions on mental health problems in children and adolescents.
6. … school based interventions for preventing self harm and suicide attempts.
7. … group cognitive behavioral therapy interventions in adolescents with depression.
8. … psychosocial interventions for school refusal.
9. … school-based prevention programs for depression and/or anxiety in children and adolescents.
Two to three applications are expected to be granted, and the final decision will be taken in October.
The third Call for proposals will be announced in January 2019. If you are familiar with research groups in Norway, Sweden, Finland or the UK that could be interested, please ask them to register here.