– I am extremely happy to be able to see where Tore’s Foundation was founded, and to talk about the work we do in South Africa. I believe that by visiting Utøya, I will get a better understanding of the foundation’s vision in line with Tore Eikeland’s values, says Inaam Kesner.
Last week she visited Norway with Bhongolwethu Sonti (27), who also works with the foundation in South Africa.
The visit to Norway began in Bergen, where they attended an event organized by Hordaland AUF. They then visited the AUF summer camp at Utøya, where they participated in debates and workshops, learning about youth politics in Norway. They also held a workshop on developing democracy in South Africa.
The Kavli Trust supports Tore’s Foundation’s projects for youth in the townships of Cape Town in South Africa.
The project provides debate training courses to high school students and drop-outs, in order to give them an opportunity to become active and engaged citizens. The goal is for young people to be heard and to enable youth to take part in democratic processes both locally and nationally in South Africa.
Read also: 2.5 to Tore’s Foundation

Every week, more than 100 young people from townships in Cape Town attend training courses and debating competitions in local high schools. Subjects debated range from local gang culture to national environmental challenges.
A group of students have also been offered work experience within the fields of journalism, law and human rights in Cape Town. Tore’s Foundation will support some of them in their further education at university level.
– Tore’s Foundation has worked with diversity, international engagement and democracy building since the Utøya massacre on 22. July 2011. It was this kind of engagement and these values that Anders Behring Breivik wished to target with the terrorist attack. The visit by Bhongo and Inaam to Utøya is a powerful manifestation of the fact that he has not succeeded, says Solfrid Hanna, trustee for Tore’s Foundation.
It is very powerful to witness how Tore’s engagement continues to foster positive change and social development. It means that we have managed to create something good from the evil that affected our family and so many others, says Robert Eikeland, trustee and brother of Tore Eikeland who was killed at Utøya 22. July 2011.
– Tore’s strong international engagement is continued with his foundation, says Bhongolwethu Sonti.
• Tore’s Foundation was founded in memory of Tore Eikeland, former leader of Hordaland AUF, who was killed at Utøya in 2011. Tore Eikeland was passionate about and actively involved in democracy building and international development.
• Tore’s Foundation is a politically neutral charity that aims to give children and youth in developing countries the opportunity to learn about and take part in political processes locally and nationally.
• The foundation runs debate training and offers after school activities and work experience to students and school drop-outs in Ghana and South Africa.
Read more at these web sites: Tore Eikelands Legat and Tore’s Foundation