Fokus - Uganda
In partnership with the Forum for Women and Development Issues (Fokus), the Kavli Trust wants to strengthen entrepreneurship and training of women in exporting farm products from Uganda to the east African market.
The project is aimed at 660 female farmers, and the Eassi regional cooperation organisation will work with women’s groups and form cooperatives which benefit from collective production and marketing. Eassi will establish resource centres for female exporters, provide education on rules and standards for exporting to regional markets and give advice in the process. In this way, it will contribute actively to sales of produce to Kenya, Tanzania and Rwanda – all members of the East African Community Common Market.
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Joining forces over jobs
December 20, 2016
Female farmers in Uganda are working their way out of poverty by starting women’s cooperatives with support from Fokus and the Kavli Trust, and hope to start exporting within four years.