We were able to do this thanks to another year of fantastic efforts from all the skilled employees in our companies, and the consumers who choose Kavli products.

Kavli Trust works purposefully to ensure that the profits from the Kavli Group are managed efficiently and in a way that creates ripple effects in people’s lives, both for individuals and for society.
On pages 14–57 in our new annual report for 2021 you can read about our allocation strategy, how we distribute the funds and about the projects that received support from Kavli Trust in 2021.
Read more: Download the Kavli Trust Annual Report 2021
70 percent of the funds are allocated to good causes in the four countries where we have food production: Norway, Sweden, Finland and the UK. The rest goes to international aid projects in countries where poverty, economic inequality and other humanitarian challenges are widespread.
Kavli Trust will help solve the great societal challenges of our time. Our belief is that if we really want to make a difference, we have to contribute to those societies struggling with the largest impact of these challenges.
As a result of the pandemic, the extent of poverty and the gap between rich and poor has increased globally. Even before the pandemic, 260 million children around the world were not allowed to go to school*. In March 2022, a new report from Unicef stated that the pandemic has led to even more children dropping out of school, especially in low- and middle-income countries.
It is a matter of solidarity for our fellow human beings. It is also a matter of living by the words ”no one is safe until everyone is safe”. The great humanitarian challenges increase the risk of refugee crises and political instability, which has ripple effects for the whole world.
As of this writing, we are in the midst of a new crisis that is affecting us across national borders: the war in Ukraine. Again, we all need to contribute where we can. Many are helping those who have fled Ukraine to our countries.
The great crises and upheavals in today’s world can seem overwhelming to many. But we must never give up! The pandemic has shown us how much we can achieve when we collaborate, locally, nationally and internationally. Many have extended a helping hand to family, friends, neighbours and strangers. We need to continue all our good efforts.
Kavli Trust will continue with what we see as our number one job: to distribute the entire profit to good causes. In 2022, we celebrate our 60 year anniversary, ”fitter” than ever. The forecasts show that we will allocate another NOK 100 million in our anniversary year.
It can be this easy to contribute. Every time you buy a product from Kavli, you do a good deed. We are here for others!
All annual reports of Kavli Trust can be donwloaded here
* UNESCO Institute for Statistics (UIS), 2020