NorSahel - Mali
Helping Babies Breath (HBB) is an educational programme specially tailored to poor countries with limited health resources. Mali is among the countries with the highest infant mortality.
Norway’s NorSahel organisation wants to improve health and education in this north African country, and has joined forces with the Kavli Trust to introduce the HBB method there.
The immediate goal is to train 550 people, which will help to meet the ultimate target of having one person familiar with HBB at every birth, with the necessary resuscitation equipment.
More about this project
Funding to help save more newborns in Mali
October 03, 2018
The training of midwives and students in the method "Helping Babies Breathe" has yielded great results in Mali. Now, a new collaboration agreement between NorSahel and the Kavli Trust will ensure that many more brand-new lives can be saved.