Norwegian Cancer Society, Norway
A big challenge for the Norwegian Cancer Society’s legal aid service has proved to be ensuring young sufferers know their rights and get they help they are entitled to under the law.
Being diagnosed with cancer raises emotional, practical and financial issues. But youngsters may not find it easy to discover what help they can expect or what questions to ask. The society’s free legal aid service assists cancer-stricken children and young people as well as their parents to obtain their rights. Financial support from the Kavli Trust makes it possible for the service to strengthen its follow-up of such rights for both sufferers and their loved ones.
More about this project
Will help cancer-affected children and adolescents
June 26, 2017
We can not remove the disease, but we can help children and young people get the help they are entitled to. We want to contribute to making everyday life a bit easier, "says Marianne Hammer in the Cancer Society.