About 70 percent of Kavli Trust’s funds are allocated to charitable causes in the four countries where the Kavli Group operates: Norway, Sweden, Finland and the UK. The remaining 30 percent is allocated to international aid projects in countries where poverty is widespread.
This is an overview of all the major grants made by the Kavlifondet in 2022. For a full list including seedling projects, the employee nominations and local causes, we refer to the annual accounts in the annual report.
Read/download the annual report 2022 here
Projects that received funding in the UK in 2022:
Curious Monkey – 1.5 million
Project: Troupe – creative programme for young people in the care system
Project period: 2022–2024
The theatre company runs the ‘Troupe’ programme for young people with experience of the care system in North East England. In Troupe, young people are given the opportunity to develop their skills through creating, performing and experiencing theatre. They receive training in political advocacy and work with professional creative teams who help shape the participants’ stories into fresh, direct theatre that is rooted in the experiences of the people they work with. The aim is to improve participants’ lives and wellbeing and develop their self-esteem.
Mortal Fools – 2 million
Project: Strengthening child and adolescent mental health
Project period: 2022–2024
Mortal Fools is a creative learning and theatre group for children and young people aged 7-21 in North East England. The purpose is to develop leadership skills, confidence, communication abilities, social and emotional skills of young people with complex lives, additional educational needs, neurodiversity and disabilities to prepare them for adult life. Kavli Trust supports the work to develop the programmes ‘Melva’ and ‘Future Ready’, which aim to strengthen the mental health of children and young people through a wide range of activities.
Children North East – 2 million
Project: Inclusion for children living in poverty
Project period: 2022–2023
The children’s rights organisation Children North East (CNE) has developed ‘Poverty Proofing’, a mapping of barriers experienced by children from low-income families which is carried out in close dialogue with school management, teachers and pupils. Based on the mapping, CNE assists schools in developing simple, creative low-threshold solutions to the challenges. It addresses often unseen inequalities and expenses related to uniforms, trips, meals, fundraising and extra-curricular activities. The support from Kavli Trust goes towards rolling out the programme at 60 schools in North East England.
Cedarwood Trust – 2.1 million
Project: Sustainable redistribution of surplus food
Project period: 2022–2023
The organisation works to eliminate food waste and support people on low incomes in North East England. Cedarwood Trust redistributes surplus food through its own non-profit services and by redistributing the food to other non-profit organisations. With the funds from Kavli Trust, Cedarwood Trust will create a more climate-friendly production of ready-made meals and more efficient redistribution of surplus food for non-profit organisations in North Tyneside. They will also expand their vocational training programme for young people.
NEW COLLABORATION: Glimpses from Mortal Fools’ programmes ‘Future Ready’ and ‘Melva’, which they will now expand with support from Kavli Trust. Photo: Mortal Fools
SHARING THEIR EXPERIENCES: In March 2023, young people from Curious Monkey gave child protection staff and other social workers in Leeds training in how they can better meet and provide assistance to children and young people in need of care, whether in the form of foster homes, institutions’ or adoption. Photo: Curious Monkey
Projects that received funding in Norway in 2022:
Counselling on eating disorders – NOK 3 million ROS
Project: Operation and development of counselling services
Project period: 2022–2023
ROS is a low-threshold service and an advocacy organisation for everyone who has or has had an eating disorder and their relatives, and for everyone else who is affected by body image and food issues. ROS provides free counselling via telephone, chat and email, and at local offices in five counties. Since 2019, Kavli Trust has supported the operation, development and expansion of ROS’ services, such as hiring a male counsellor to reach out to more boys and men. The support of a total of NOK 6 million has been allocated in 2019 (NOK 3 million) and 2022, respectively.
Bergen 4-Day Treatment (B4DT) – NOK 7 million (a total of NOK 35 million over five years)
Project: Expansion of B4DT internationally
Project period: 2019–2024
The Bergen 4-Day Treatment (B4DT) is a four-day treatment programme for anxiety and obsessive-compulsive disorders (OCD). Studies show that 90 percent of patients have a clear improvement after four days. After four years, 70 percent are free of the disorder and live normal lives. Kavli Trust has previously financed the expansion of B4DT nationally in Norway, and is now financing the training of health teams in several countries. The programme is operated from the brain research centre Bergen Brain Plasticity Center at Haukeland University Hospital and is led by psychologist Bjarne Hansen.
The Norwegian Trekking Association (DNT) – NOK 3 million
Project: National expansion of Turboklubbene
Project period: 2022–2023
Turboklubbene (‘Turbo Clubs’) is DNT’s low-threshold service for children and their families facilitating varied outdoor activities in the local environment. Kavli Trust supports the national expansion of the service which particularly aims to recruit children from families who do not generally have good access to outdoor activities. The clubs focus on promoting nature experiences, community, friendship, inclusion and empowerment as tools to help to strengthen children’s mental health.
Norwegian Climate Foundation – NOK 1.6 million
Project: #Climatebreakfast
Project period: 2023–2025
At least six times a year, the Norwegian Climate Foundation invites people to join their #Climatebreakfast, a series of open events to promote knowledgesharing and informed discussion on topics related to climate change, climate solutions and the energy transition. Climate Breakfast attracts an increasing number of participants from research communities, NGOs, business, political circles and other stakeholders. Kavli Trust has supported #Climatebreakfast since its inception in 2014. The event has become a popular arena for research-based conversations and discussions about solutions to climate challenges.
Mental Helse Ungdom – NOK 2 million
Project: Strengthen communication activities
Project period: 2023–2024
Mental Helse Ungdom (‘Mental Health Youth’) is a member-based advocacy organisation that works for increased transparency about mental health, prevention of mental disorders and better mental health services. With the support from Kavli Trust, they will strengthen the organisation’s communication activities towards young adults, with a particular focus on boys and young men. The funds will go to the further development of previous pilot projects and to the development, production and testing of new content in various social media.

Projects that received funding in Sweden in 2022:
Skåne Stadsmission (‘City Mission’) – NOK 1.9 million
Project: Redistribution of surplus food to non-profit organisations
Project period: 2022–2023
Skåne Stadsmission’s food bank redistributes surplus food from the food industry to the organisation’s services for disadvantaged people in the Skåne region. In recent years, support from Kavli Trust has contributed to the operation and development of the food bank and to the start-up and establishment of ‘Matmissionen’, a food store in Malmø where members can buy surplus food at low prices.
Västerås Stadsmission – NOK 2.5 million
Project: Redistribution of surplus food to non-profit organisations
Project period: 2022–2023
In 2021, Stadsmissionen’s three food banks in Mälerdalen (Eskilstuna, Västerås and Örebro) redistributed a total of 150 tonnes of surplus food and gave around 1,000 people food aid every month. With support from Kavli Trust, they are now developing an efficient, regional structure for receiving and distributing surplus food and a system for distribution to Stadsmissionen’s own services in the area that makes use of the food. The aim is to double the amount of surplus food that is distributed during the project period.
The MusikBojen Foundation – NOK 1 million
Project: Music therapy for children with parents in prison
Project period: 2022–2023
Since its inception in 2018, MusikBojen has offered music therapy and reached more than 1,000 children and young people in Sweden who suffer from traumatic experiences, severe illnesses, disabilities, or mental illnesses. With the support from Kavli Trust, MusikBojen will develop and expand its music therapy to children and young people with family members in prison. The interventions are operated in collaboration with the NGOs Bufff and The Rescue Mission. A solid pilot project in Stockholm will develop good structures to expand the services to several parts of Sweden.
Trygga Barnen – NOK 500,000
Project: Expand the programme Trygga Hjältar (‘Safe Heroes’)
Project period: 2020–2023
Trygga Barnen is a children’s rights organisation for children and young people who grow up in families with substance abuse and mental health problems. The organisation provides counselling and support as well as online consultation through the programme ’Trygga hjälter’. The support from Kavli Trust goes towards expanding the Trygga Hjälter programme by establishing more local units to be able to reach out to more children.
Children’s rights in society (Bris) – NOK 3 million
Project: Therapy interventions for children with trauma symptoms
Project period: 2022–2023
The Egmont Foundation and Kavli Trust have joined forces to contribute a total of almost NOK 6 million to the children’s rights organisation Bris and their interventions for children and young people with a refugee background in Sweden. Among other things, the funds will go to train professionals in Teaching Recovery Techniques (TRT), a group-based therapy method aimed at children with trauma symptoms after war and flight. The programme Parenting in Sweden aims to support children by empowering their parents.
International aid projects
30 percent of Kavli Trust’s funds go to projects in countries where poverty and social inequality is widespread.
Human Practice Foundation (HPF) – NOK 8 million
Project: Child Empowerment Model
Project period: 2022–2025
The Danish aid organisation focuses on providing quality education, working closely with school management, teachers and parents in its educational projects. The Kavli support will be used to expand HPF’s programme Child Empowerment Model, which promotes life skills and entrepreneurship, in addition to basic schooling. The programme will be introduced in 30 schools, and over three years will give around 20,000 children quality education.
Strømme Foundation – NOK 5 million
Project: ‘Samvad’ – life skills programme for disadvantaged young people
Project period: 2023–2024
The target group for the Strømme Foundation life skills programme Samvad is young people aged 13-19 who have dropped out of school. During a one-year course, which combines life skills with simple vocational training, participants gain important knowledge about their own rights and their local community. Since 2019, Kavli Trust has supported Strømme Foundation’s work in southwestern Nepal. Current support will continue the operation of 180 new Samvad centres and includes a preventive programme for mental health through psychoeducation for children and young people and their families.
Norwegian Church Aid – NOK 4 million
Project: Waste for Value
Project period: 2021–2024
Norwegian Church Aid’s project Waste for Value in Ethiopia provides women with training in the collection and recycling of plastic and paper. Women can join cooperatives that collect and ensure that plastic and paper are recycled. The women operate the cooperatives, and are responsible for both waste management and administration. With the support from Kavli Trust, KN will expand Waste for Value to several cities in the Sidama region (Hawassa city), the Oromia region, and to a refugee camp in Gambella. The project is also working towards the establishment of national guidelines for the recycling and reuse of plastic and paper.
ADRA Norway NOK – 320,000
(total allocated amount NOK 5.2 million, of which NOK 4.9 million in 2021)
Project: Education and vocational training in climate/environment for young people in Ethiopia
Project period: 2022–2024
The Adventist Church’s global development and relief organisation works in 120 countries and provides aid regardless of age, gender, ethnic background and political or religious affiliation. ADRA Norway is one of the leading aid organisations providing vocational training, and with the support of Kavli Trust, at least 360 Ethiopian youth will receive vocational training in installation and maintenance of solar cell technology. At least 600 young people will receive vocational training in recycling, and at least 600 students will receive psychosocial support.
Doctors Without Borders – NOK 250,000
Project: The NRK Telethon
Project period: 2022–2027
Kavli Trust gave NOK 250,000 to the NRK (Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation) Telethon in 2022. The funding goes to Doctors Without Borders (MSF) and their sister organisation DNDi, and their work to provide life-saving healthcare and prevent diseases in countries with insufficient healthcare services. Parts of the telethon funding will be used to develop medicines against forgotten, deadly diseases. Kavli Trust has previously supported MSF’s work with the development of a new, effective and cheap vaccine against rotavirus.