24. May 2024

Spreadable cheese and pâté contributed NOK 50.2 million to good causes

With the profits from the Kavli Group, which consists of Primula Cheese and Castle MacLellan in the UK, Kavli Trust was able to allocate 50.2 million Norwegian kroner (£3,7 million) to good causes in 2023.

This is according to the foundation’s annual report published here.

It was Knut Kavli, son of founder Olav Kavli from Molde in Norway, who in 1962 established Kavli Trust and made the foundation the owner of the business.

The statutes obligate Kavli Trust to distribute the entire profit, after operations and development, to good causes within charitable work, research and culture.

“We are very proud of our founders. They built their life’s work on strong community engagement and humanistic values, with sharing with others as a core value,“ says General Manager of Kavli Trust, Ingrid Paasche.

“In a time marked by significant unrest, major societal challenges, and many unmet needs, we are pleased to be able to contribute by giving all our profits back to society. It is inspiring to follow the important, good work of our partners through the projects we support. During our 62 years of ownership, allocations from Kavli Trust have benefited thousands of people around the world,” says Paasche.

Since the turn of the millennium, allocations from Kavli Trust have increased significantly, and over the last 15 years, the foundation has been able to distribute a total of 922 million NOK.

While the majority of allocations previously went to arts and culture, these are now Kavli Trust’s two main priorities:

  • The mental health of children and adolescents, focusing on inclusion, life skills and education
  • Good solutions for climate and the environment

The majority of the funds, 70 percent, are distributed in the three countries where the Kavli Group has food production: Norway, Sweden and the United Kingdom.

The remaining funds go to international development projects in less economically developed countries.

ANNUAL REPORT: Kavli Trust annual report 2023 is published with articles about last yearś allocations as well as articles with updates from ongoing projects. The cover photo is from Cultural Heart, a project that has been supported by the foundation since 2019. 


  • The Kavli Group was founded in Bergen by Olav Kavli in 1893.
  • Today, the group produces food in Norway (Kavli and Q-Meieriene), Sweden (Kavli Sweden), and the United Kingdom (Primula Cheese and Castle MacLellan).
  • Since 1962, the Kavli Group, as one of few groups and the only food group in Norway, has been wholly owned by a charitable foundation: Kavli Trust.
  • Each year, the Kavli Group transfers its entire profit, after operations and development, as a dividend to Kavli Trust, which distributes it to good causes.
  • Since Kavli Trust was established in 1962, the foundation has distributed a total of 1.3 billion NOK, most of it since 2000.
  • Olav Kavli’s industrial adventure truly took off when he managed to make the world’s first long-lasting cream cheese under the name “Primula Cheese”, which will celebrate its 100th anniversary in 2024.
  • Today, Kavli produces a wide range of food products, but spreadable cheese (Primula Cheese in UK) remains the largest and most important brand.

Download the full Kavli Trust annual report here

Download photos of Ingrid Paasche for free use here

Hanne Eide Andersen
Head of Communication
Tel. +47 99562948
Email: hanne.andersen@kavlifondet.no

Ingrid Paasche
General Manager
Tel. +47 907 55 770
Email: ingrid.paasche@kavlifondet.no

GENERAL MANAGER: Ingrid Paasche. Photo: Martin Lavik Nygaard/Kavli