The Kavli Trust Programme on Health Research
During the period 2017–2024, The Kavli Trust Programme on Health Research has awarded NOK 172 million to research on mental health in children and young people. The funds have been allocated through a dedicated programme developed and managed in collaboration between Kavli Trust and the Dam Foundation.
About the programme
The Kavli Trust Programme on Health Research is specially designed to ensure that the funds go to research that will make a difference and be useful for patiens, carers and health workers.
Before each annual call for proposals, new evidence gaps within child and adolescent mental health are identified through a thorough process, involving both professionals and users.
For applicants: Frequently asked questions
Read more: The Kavli Trust Programme on Health Research: Background and method
In 2017-2024 the programme will be funding collaborative research projects addressing selected evidence gaps in children and adolescents mental health, with a total budget of up to NOK 172 million.
Call for proposals 2024 (closed)
Call for proposal 2023 (closed)
Call for proposal 2022 (closed)
Call for proposal 2021 (closed)
Call for proposal 2020 (closed)
Call for proposal 2019 (closed)
Call for proposal 2018 (closed)
Call for proposal 2017 (closed)
Administrative staff
The staff of The Kavli trust designed the programme. They screen all applications before sending them through to review and they provide support for the scientific committees.
The Strategic Scientific Committee
The committee searches for evidence gaps in high quality scientific databases. The identified evidence gaps are formulated as research questions.
Arild Bjørndal | Chair
Bjørndal is Associate Director at Center for Evidence and Implementation and professor at the University of Oslo. He is the former CEO of RBUP and former board chair of the Campbell Collaboration.

Johan Siqveland | Member
Karianne Hammerstrøm Nilsen | Member
Hammerstrøm is a senior advisor at RBUP and the former head of the section of welfare services at The Norwegian Knowledge Centre for the Health Services. She is senior advisor/editor-in-chief for the Intervention Handbook.
Scientific Review Committee
The committee reviews the pre-proposals and full-proposals.
Katrina Witt
NHMRC Emerging Leader Fellow at Orygen and The University of Melbourne. Co-chair of a Special Interest Group for the International Association for Suicide Prevention (IASP). Senior Methods Editor for the Cochrane Collaboration.
Ole Jakob Storebø
Professor, Department of Psychology at the University of Southern Denmark. Editor at the Cochrane Collaboration and Journal of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry and Psychology.
Patty Leiten
Assistant Professor and Director PhD Education at Research Institute for Child Development and Education, University of Amsterdam.
Brandy Maynard
Assistant Professor in the School of Social Work at Saint Louis University and Co-Chair of the Campbell Collaboration’s Social Welfare Coordinating Group.
Russell Viner
CBE (Commander) Fellowship of the Academy of Medical Sciences (FMedSci) in the UK. Professor of Adolescent Health at the UCL Great Ormond St. Institute of Child Health in London and Chief Scientific Advisor to the Department of Education in England. President of the Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health in 2018-2021.
The User Panel
The Kavli Trust user panel consists of approximately 200 registered users, including patients, carers and healthcare professionals within children and adolescents mental health. They provide a ranking of the identified research questions. It serves as a recommendation when the Kavli Trust Board decides on which research questions that should be prioritized and included in the call.
More about this project
The Kavli Trust Programme on Health Research, conference material
January 29, 2025
Since 2018, the Kavli Trust alone has allocated close to NOK 172 million towards child and adolescent mental health research. Some of the recipients were gathered in Oslo on October 24, 2024 – to present their projects to each other, as well as to the recipients of grants from Dam Foundation. On this page you can find video material from the conference.
Compounding impact by sharing knowledge
January 29, 2025
Facilitating knowledge sharing between recipients of grants from the Programme on Health Research, as well as in the broader medical community, is a priority to Kavli Trust.
World-class research for child and adolescent mental health
August 29, 2024
Since 2017, the Kavli Trust programme on health research has supported top international institutions focused on impactful findings benefitting child and adolescent mental health.
12,000 patients participated in wasted research
August 29, 2024
Is there less wasted health research in Norway and the Nordic countries compared to the rest of the world? This is a question that the Dam Foundation has investigated. The answer is simple: No. A survey shows that 12 000 patients in Norway have participated in research that has remained unpublished.
£660,000 to research on social prescribing to combat loneliness among young people
June 10, 2024
The Kavli Trust Programme on Health Research has granted NOK 9 million (£660,000), to University College London’s Department of Behavioural Science and Health and their INcreasing AdolesCent social neTworks and support (INACT) study. The aim of INACT is to provide the first robust evidence on the effectiveness of social prescribing interventions in addressing loneliness among children and adolescents.
NOK 9 million to study on prevention strategies for children of parents with mental illness
May 23, 2024
The Kavli Trust Programme on Health Research has awarded NOK 9 million to Psykiatri Skåne, Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services and their IRMA study. The study will delve into the experiences of children with parents dealing with mental illness, to identify preventative strategies to mitigate the risk of these children facing similar issues in the future.
Call for proposals 2024
December 08, 2023
The Kavli Trust Programme on Health Research will allocate up to a total of NOK 20 million (£1.46) to collaborative research projects that aim to address selected evidence gaps within child and adolescent mental health in 2024.
What research in child and adolescent mental health should Kavli Trust fund? Have your say!
November 20, 2023
Are you a patient, a carer or a health professional involved with the child and adolescent mental health services? If so, you can take part in deciding which research projects should receive funding from Kavli Trust’s Programme on Health Research in 2024.
For applicants: FAQ about The Kavli Trust Programme on Health Research
March 03, 2023
NOK 18 million for research into child and adolescent mental health from Kavli Trust
December 19, 2022
The Kavli Trust Programme on Health Research has awarded a total of NOK 18 million to the The Norwegian Center for Child Behavioral Development (NUBU) and the University of Roehampton for research projects aiming to provide knowledge to evidence gaps in child and adolescent mental health.
Call for proposals 2023 from The Kavli Trust Programme on Health Research
December 07, 2022
The Kavli Trust Programme on Health Research will be awarding a total of NOK 20 million to collaborative research projects addressing selected evidence gaps in child and adolescent mental health in 2023.
The Kavli Trust Programme on Health Research: The method
December 02, 2022
The Kavli Trust Programme on Health Research is specially designed to ensure that the funds go to research that will make a difference and be useful for patiens, carers and health workers.
What research in child and adolescent mental health should Kavli Trust fund in 2023?
November 15, 2022
Are you a patient, a carer or a health professional involved with the child and adolescent mental health services? If so, you can take part in deciding which research projects should receive funding from Kavli Trust’s Health Research Programme in 2023.
Continues collaboration for research in child and adolescent mental health
October 26, 2022
Kavli Trust and the Norwegian Dam Foundation continue their collaboration through the Kavli Trust Programme on Health Research, which is specially designed to avoid wasted research. The programme will allocate up to a total of 215,000 euros for research into child and adolescent mental health in 2017-2025.
Evaluating the effect of online treatment for youth with mental health problems
October 12, 2022
Karolinska Institutet has been awarded a NOK 8 million (771 000 euro) grant from Kavli Trust to study the effect and cost-effectiveness of an intervention called “Primary care Online Emotion-regulation Treatment” (POET) for youth seeking treatment for mental health problems.
New effective internet-based treatment for adolescent depression
October 06, 2022
A new study from Stockholm University shows that a new internet-based psychodynamic therapy (IPDT) is as effective as the already evidence-based internet-based cognitive behavioral therapy (ICBT) as a treatment method for teenage depression. The study is funded by The Kavli Trust Programme on Health Research.
Funding from Kavli Trust to evaluating mentalization-based treatment for children
June 17, 2022
The Kavli Trust Programme on Health Research has awarded The Anna Freud Centre funding to a study evaluating a mentalization-based treatment for children.
Funding for study to examine effects of children’s life skills programme
June 02, 2022
The Kavli Trust Health Research Programme has awarded NOK 9,6 million to researchers at The University of Manchester and a study that will examine the effects of the school-based life skills programme "Passport – skills for life".
CALL FOR PROPOSALS 2022: Kavli Trust Programme on Health Research
December 10, 2021
The Kavli Trust Programme on Health Research will be awarding a total of NOK 20 million to collaborative research projects addressing selected evidence gaps in child and adolescent mental health in 2022.
What research in child and adolescent mental health should Kavli Trust fund in 2022?
November 11, 2021
Are you a patient, a carer or a health professional involved with the child and adolescent mental health services? If so, you can take part in deciding which research projects should receive funding from Kavli Trust’s Health Research Programme in 2022.
8,4 million NOK research grant to reduce self-harm in adolescents
September 20, 2021
Can a brief psychological intervention reduce self-harm in adolescents? Kavli Trust has awarded Professor Rose McCabe and Dr Sally O’Keeffe from City, University of London a three-year grant to investigate the effectiveness.
The Kavli Trust Programme on Health Research: Call for proposals 2021
December 14, 2020
The Kavli Trust Programme on Health Research will be awarding a total of NOK 20 M in 2021 to collaborative research projects addressing selected evidence gaps in child and adolescent mental health.
Kavli Trust grants NOK 10 million for new study on music therapy and autism
December 08, 2020
The Kavli Trust Programme on Health Research grants 10 mill Norwegian kroner (NOK) to a research project investigating the effects of music therapy for children with autism spectrum disorders (ASD).
Child and adolescent mental health: What research do we fund?
November 25, 2020
Are you a patient, a carer or a health professional involved with the child and adolescent mental health services? If so, you can take part in deciding which research projects should receive funding from Kavli Trust’s Health Research Programme.
University of Oslo awarded Kavli Trust grant for new autism treatment trial
November 11, 2020
The University of Oslo (UiO) has been awarded funding from Kavli Trust for a new study on medicine given as a nasal spray for young people with autism spectrum diagnoses (ASD).
The Kavli Trust programme on health research: 2020 call for proposals
December 09, 2019
The Kavli Trust Programme on Health Research will be awarding a total of NOK 20 M to collaborative research projects addressing selected evidence gaps in child and adolescent mental health. Registration opens January 3rd.
Funding for research projects on anxiety disorders in children
November 28, 2019
Kavli Trust awards 19.3 million NOK to research on child and adolescent mental health. Two new projects focusing on prevention of anxiety disorders are funded by The Kavli Trust Programme on Health Research.
Child and adolescent mental health: What research should we fund?
November 23, 2019
Are you a patient, a carer or a health professional involved with the child and adolescent mental health services? If so, you can take part in deciding which research projects should receive funding from Kavli Trust’s Health Research Programme.
New study of online therapy for youth suffering from depression
September 20, 2019
Researchers have now started recruiting young people suffering from depression for inclusion in the study “Early internet-based interventions for children and adolescents” (ERiCA).
NOK 12,4 million to research in prevention of depression and anxiety in children
February 06, 2019
The Kavli Trust supports the Echo study with NOK 12,4 million. The aims of the study are to develop a standard method for assessment and to optimize an intervention for the prevention of depression and anxiety in children.
Funding of new research on children and adolescents mental health from the Kavli Trust
January 10, 2019
For the second time the Kavli Trust has granted research projects aiming to provide knowledge to evidence gaps regarding the treatment of mental health problems in children and adolescent. Three projects receive a total of NOK 30 million, following a thorough application and review process.
The Kavli Trust Programme on Health Research: 2019 CALL FOR PROPOSALS
December 13, 2018
For the third time The Kavli Trust Programme on Health Research will be awarding a total of NOK 25 M to collaborative research projects addressing selected evidence gaps in child and adolescent mental health. Registration opens January 3rd.
Internet-based interventions increase access to psychological treatments and cost-effectiveness
December 03, 2018
The need of development of early, short and focused interventions for depressed adolescents is urgent. Internet-based interventions are designed to increase access to psychological treatments and cost-effectiveness.
NOK 5,7 million to research on internet-delivered treatments for depressed adolescents
December 03, 2018
The Kavli Trust awards NOK 5.7 million to research on internet-delivered psychological treatments for adolescents with depression.
Invitation to suggest research gaps within child and adolescent mental health
September 05, 2018
The Kavli Trust Programme on Health Research invites patients, family caregivers, health personnel, researchers and others to suggest research gaps within the field of child and adolescent mental health.
Twelve applicants are invited to apply for research funding
June 12, 2018
Twelve chosen candidates are now being given the chance to submit a more comprehensive application for research funding from the Kavli Trust to study children and adolescents mental health.
NOK 17,6 million to research on treatments of mental health problems in children and adolescents
March 19, 2018
The Kavli Trust awards 17,6 million NOK to research on treatments of mental health problems in children and adolescents. Two projects will receive funding from the Kavli Trust's programme on health research in 2018.
December 15, 2017
For the second time The Kavli Trust Programme on Health Research will be awarding a total of NOK 25 M to collaborative research projects addressing selected evidence gaps in child and adolescent mental health. Registration opens January 3rd.
Shortlist for focused research funding
December 12, 2017
Ten chosen candidates are now being given the chance to submit a more comprehensive application for funds from the Kavli Trust to study mental health issues affecting children and young people.
Reducing avoidable waste in health research
October 13, 2017
If you have NOK 75 million to spend on health research, how should you design grant giving process?
31 pre-proposals submitted
October 13, 2017
Through the Programme on Health Research the Kavli Trust will be awarding a total of EUR 2,6 M to collaborative research projects addressing selected evidence gaps in child and adolescent mental health.
June 28, 2017
The Kavli Trust will be awarding a total of NOK 25 M to collaborative research projects addressing selected evidence gaps in child and adolescent mental health. Registration opens July 5th.
Funding for research on mental health (Eng)
May 22, 2017
The Kavli Trust will be awarding a total of NOK 25 M to collaborative research projects addressing selected evidence gaps in children and adolescents mental health.